


报告题目:Latest Developments for Multidimensional Realization and LFR Uncertainty Modeling

报 告 人:Dr. Li Xu,Professor, Department of Electronics and Information Systems Akita Prefectural University, Japan

内容简介The prevailing framework for robustness analysis and synthesis of uncertain systems requires modeling the underlying polynomial or rational parametric uncertainty in the so-called linear fractional representation (LFR). It has been noted that the LFR uncertainty modeling problem is algebraically equivalent to the realization problem for multidimensional (nD) systems by Roesser state space model. Therefore, effective and efficient nD realization algorithms will not only contribute significantly to nD system theory but also to robust control theory. In addition, as it is difficult in general to obtain a minimal realization for the nD (n≥2) cases, it is particularly important to develop algorithms which can generate nD realizations or LFRs with lowest possible order. In this talk, we review some latest developments accomplished by the author and co-workers recently. In particular, we shall show some substantial structural insights to this difficult problem that have not been clarified previously and new constructive algorithms that can generate a low-order, possibly minimal Roesser model realization for a rational or polynomial nD transfer matrix with numerical or/and symbolic coefficients. It will also be demonstrated that the proposed algorithms are simple both conceptually and methodologically, which makes them much more effective and computationally more efficient than the existing ones.

个人简介:Li Xu received the B. Eng. degree in Automatic Control from Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China, in 1982, and the M. Eng. degree in Information and Computer Sciences and the Dr. Eng. degree in System and Information Engineering from Toyohashi University of Technology, Toyohashi, Japan, in March 1990 and March 1993, respectively. From April 1993 to March 1998, he was an Assistant Professor at the Department of Knowledge-Based Information Engineering of Toyohashi University of Technology. From April 1998 to March 2000, he was a Lecturer at the Department of Information Management, School of Business Administration, Asahi University, Gifu, Japan. Since April 2000, he has been with Akita Prefectural University, Akita, Japan, where he is currently a Full Professor at the Department of Electronics and Information Systems. His research interests include multidimensional system theory, signal processing, and the applications of computer algebra to control theory. He has authored and co-authored more than 200 peer-reviewed journal and proceedings papers. Dr. Xu was an associate editor for the international journal of Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing (MSSP) since April 2000 to November 2014, and has been an Editorial Board Member of MSSP since December 2014.